Colori ($9.99 Value)
Generate a color palette from one color, organize your palettes, preview, and export.
ToAnything ($12.99 Value)
Batch media conversion for macOS, made easy
CodeCounter ($9.99 Value)
Detailed code counter for macOS - count the lines of code in any project
QR Wizard ($9.99 Value)
Generate & style beautiful QRCode images directly from your Mac
Tidier ($12.99 Value)
Organize your files by kind, in a way that makes sense
Web2Mac ($12.99 Value)
Any website can find its way into your dock, as a Mac app
AllClips ($5.99 Value)
Keep track of your clipboard, recover lost clippings, and never lose anything again!
SpeakMe ($9.99 Value)
Instantly convert any text to audio with a single click from your Mac
PhotoFoundry ($19.99 Value)
Professional-quality conversion and batch-processing of photos and images from your Mac
JSON Wizard ($14.99 Value)
Edit, visualize, export - the ultimate JSON-driven Data Management app
WiFi Radar Pro ($29.99 Value)
Scan, monitor, and troubleshoot any wireless network. The go-to WiFi analyzer for Mac
Iconize ($9.99 Value)
Automatic App icon generator, with multiple platforms supported + icon customization
Squeezer ($24.99 Value)
Minify, compile & compress your web files and images in macOS with just a single click
Markdown+ ($14.99 Value)
Write, style, preview, and export markdown in macOS, easy-to-use Markdown editor for Mac
AppKiller ($5.99 Value)
Instantly kill all your open Mac apps with a single click from your status menu
FileUnhider ($5.99 Value)
Instantly hide/unhide all your Mac files with a single click from your status menu